Each journey starts with a step, and then another, and soon a succession. Humble steps, like learning, and researching, and testing the waters may not seem glamorous and yet, they begin to sparkle. Each one, a glint reflecting the light of where we’re headed. A flash of pride in a stage completed, a burst of insight as a problem we’ve been noodling over becomes clear, and the flicker of satisfaction as we feel the lightness of doing what we love in place of the drudgery of another eve of aimless drifting between device and fridge. Bonus: your friends just may notice something lighter about you too and find themselves, without any reason at all, dusting off some old beloved project or turning their dinnertime talk from “pass the veg” to “I’ve gotta cool idea I’ve been thinking about.”
We’ve had many an adventure, Wes and I. This place for dreamers and doers is our newest. We hope you’ll join us on our adventures, both wee and grand, the humble shining steps of which they are made, and share your own as well. Many an explorer, many a creator, told us, “just start!” and we are so glad we did not let excuses rob our gumption. And so we begin here, with just one post and then another until one day we beam at each other over the trail of stories and connections we have gathered along our way.
Wes & Pixie